Dear readers,
Sorry I haven't posted in a while! I was under the impression that no one was reading my blog. I just saw the stats for the first time ever, and noticed quite a few people have been reading my blog. Heh, my bad. Anyway, the votes have been cast for the winner of the contest...and the winner one. No one actually voted. Be sure to vote next time I do a post like that!Anyway, this post is about....drum roll......BIGFOOT!!!!!
Yup! Sasquatch himself.
What is Big foot? Basically, he is a gigantic, hairy human-like ape in North America. Many scientists think he is a product of folklore, mistakes and hoaxes. He stands 6-10 feet tall, and was originally mentioned in indigenous populations in the pacific northwest. His footprints are said to be enormous, hence the name "BigFoot".There have been many many sightings! One notable sighting was one made by TheodoreRoosevelt!
Many scientists believe that bigfoot witnesses are merely seeing an animal from an angle that makes them look like sasquatch. Can one really mistake a bear for a giant omnivorous ape with giant humanoid feet? I guess so.
Many sightings could also be due to pranks and hoaxes. I have to admit, however, that costume in the picture above doesn't look that convincing to me!
THE BIG QUESTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is it real? YOU BET! I believe in BigFoot, even though my friend thinks I'm a mental patient, but I think BigFoot is real! After all, when you think about it, it's just A new, very large, primate that we haven't actually discovered! It's not like I'm advocating a giant talking unicorn that fly's on rainbows, It's a huge primate! not that odd an idea.
Remember, become a member if you want, but if you don't, then thats cool. I'm just asking for a favor, man! AND COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!
Your blogging buddy,
p.s.: here is my picture.
p.s.s Check out
Sorry I haven't posted in a while! I was under the impression that no one was reading my blog. I just saw the stats for the first time ever, and noticed quite a few people have been reading my blog. Heh, my bad. Anyway, the votes have been cast for the winner of the contest...and the winner one. No one actually voted. Be sure to vote next time I do a post like that!Anyway, this post is about....drum roll......BIGFOOT!!!!!
What is Big foot? Basically, he is a gigantic, hairy human-like ape in North America. Many scientists think he is a product of folklore, mistakes and hoaxes. He stands 6-10 feet tall, and was originally mentioned in indigenous populations in the pacific northwest. His footprints are said to be enormous, hence the name "BigFoot".There have been many many sightings! One notable sighting was one made by TheodoreRoosevelt!
THE BIG QUESTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is it real? YOU BET! I believe in BigFoot, even though my friend thinks I'm a mental patient, but I think BigFoot is real! After all, when you think about it, it's just A new, very large, primate that we haven't actually discovered! It's not like I'm advocating a giant talking unicorn that fly's on rainbows, It's a huge primate! not that odd an idea.
Remember, become a member if you want, but if you don't, then thats cool. I'm just asking for a favor, man! AND COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!
Your blogging buddy,
p.s.s Check out