Monday, October 17, 2011


Chiron, a famous centaur in Greek mythology. He was the only centaur  that wasn't drunk, partying and harassing women all the time. He was a more of an intelligent, sophisticated kind of guy, which meant he was great at training heroes. He apparently had a handsome face as well, but that didn't matter considering everyone he met just stared at the half of him that was a horse.
   Chiron trained his fair share of famous heroes, such as Achilles, Actaeon (met an especially  tragic end, by the way, but that's another post) Jason (My personal favorite) and Patroclus. with his brilliant training methods, his student went on to do great things, before dying young in some horrible, horrible way. Greek heroes are prone to that.

Chiron was very knowledgeable, and skilled in medicine, astrology, and foretelling the future. this makes it hard to believe that Cronus was ...HIS FATHER!  Classic soap opera plot twist. Having different lineage from other centaurs is probably the reason he wasn't a jerk like them.With titan genes, it's only natural that he would be fairly intelligent.
  There seem to be a few different stories on the death of the immortal Chiron (oxymoron), varying from exchanging his life for the freedom of Prometheus to being poisoned by Heracles arrow (accident)
 big question: is it real?  well, who am i to say that the ancient Greek's religion was wrong just because it died out? I'm open minded.

Your bloggin' buddy,


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