OH MY GOD! GROSS! THAT IS SO SICK! WHAT THE HECK IS THAT? That, Dear reader, is a two headed snake and a two headed goat. I am sure you are probably wondering " whoa. what happened to those things?!". I will gladly explain. you see, that is not one snake with two heads. It is actually two snakes with one body. Two different brains. Two different personalities. One single body. Man, that would get annoying pretty fast. Imagine being attached to your sibling! How did this happen? simple:
1. first, you have a cute, tiny little baby snake egg. awwwwwwww
2. cute, tiny little baby snake egg starts to split into to TWO cute, tiny little baby snake eggs. awwwwwwww!
3. Uh oh. Somethings wrong. the baby snake egg stopped splitting. oh,dear. now we have a two headed baby snake egg. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
And that, my friend, is how a two headed snake, or other two headed animal, comes to be. You know, it might be more correct to say one bodied snakes/one bodied animals. This isn't always the case with two headed animals. sometimes it is actually one animal with 2 faces. this happens because of a mutation when the DNA is being copied. This condition is called Diprosopus. There is one cat, known as FrankenLouie, who is a prime example of this mutation. Here's some pictures:
Oh, my. ick. but he looks very sweet, and I am sure he has a good heart. Don't judge a book by its cover.
Look on the inside. Trust your heart. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. And all that other junk. Anyhow, Frankenlouie is actually quite lucky. Most two faced creatures don't make it long. Usually they die soon after birth. :(. awww.
poor little kitty. this is just some of the many rare mutations that don't usually end well. Not all mutations are bad, though. Some mutations help species evolve and adapt. For example, a panda's thumb is actually part of the wrist bone. This mutation has helped the species to thrive, as it has made it easy to break of bamboo, the panda's food source. Some say that without mutations, no species could get very far.
Sometimes people get a little confused and believe something may be a mutation even when it is not. Here is an example:
Do you think that is a mutated green puppy? it sure does look like it! In reality, it is actually not. Sometimes when a puppy is being born, the amniotic fluid mixes with the placenta, which dyes the coat of the puppy. It doesn't last that long, either. after only a few weeks, the coat will turn to a normal color. Actually, the process of the puppy turning green is kind of gross now that i think about it. Yuck!
You are probably wondering, what about humans? Usually, the biggest mutation that you will see in a person is an extra finger or toe. However, though it is not exactly a mutation, ( at least, I don't think so), I cannot leave out Siamese twins. You probably know of the most famous ones, Cheng and Eng Bunker.
The Bunker brothers lived to old age, and both got married. Cheng had 10 kids, and Eng had 11 kids. Wow, I cannot imagine how hard it must have been to pull all that off, considering they were attached to each other. I think I would lose my mind if I were attached to my sibling....... AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Geez, just imagining that gave me an urge to scream. loudly. Those two guys just earned my admiration!
I hope my post was interesting and informative, even if it is a little short. Thanks for reading, and read my next post, which is a surprise! ( meaning, I haven't quite figured it out yet) But it will be awesome, i can promise you that! Thanks again for reading,
the author of this blog,
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