OH MY GOODNESS! LOOKS LIKE SOMEONE NEEDS AN ANGER MANAGEMENT CLASS! Introducing Kali, A Hindu goddess with a taste for blood, literally! In a few of the stories about her in hindu mythology, Kali actually gets drunk on the blood of the slain. She also dances on them! Gosh, if this is how she reacted when she won a battle, what would she do if she lost? By the way, the dude Kali is standing on isn't a slain enemy, it's her HUSBAND! His name is Shiva, and for those who are wondering, NO, this is not domestic violence. It symbolizes their co-dependence.
You may have noticed Kali's chic and styling necklace! You may be wondering, 'What beads are on that gorgeous necklace?' Dear reader, they are not beads, they are actually severed heads! You may also notice that she is holding another severed head in one of her four hands. She has her tongue rolled out, her hair wild and tangled, and raises her weapon, with blood and corpses in the background! Pretty impressive, if you ask me!

Kali can be depicted in two forms: Kali, as you saw her in my first picture, or Mahakali, who is shown in pictures as having ten heads, ten arms and ten legs. Mahakali is the greater form of Kali.
One famous story about Kali ( my favorite ) is the legend in which she slays the demon Raktabija.
Durga and her assistants continually try to destroy the demon Raktabija. No matter how they tried to kill him, no matter what weapons they used, nothing worked. in fact, they actually made things WORSE! For every drop of blood of Raktabija that was spilled, Raktabija produced a clone of himself. As you may have guessed, this made destroying the demon a lot harder. Durga, in dire need of help, ( obviously), summons Kali. Kali kills Raktabija by sucking all the blood out of his body. That may be one of the most disgusting things i can picture in my mind, along with some dude getting eaten by a wendigo. After sucking the troublesome demon dry, she puts all the demon clones into her incredibly large mouth ( it would have to be, to hold all those demons ). Kali, always up for a good time, dances on the corpses of the slain. She is pleased with her victory, and is celebrating. Talk about a great day!

Your probably waiting for the BIG QUESTION, but i'm not so sure it applies here. Does Kali exist? I have no idea. What i DO know is that she must be the toughest goddess i've learned about yet!
Thanks for reading my blog! be sure to read my next post.
Your blog writing pal,
I can imagine the whole scene in my head:
Mom: Thanks for joining us for dinner!
Wendigo: Thanks for having me! Would you mind passing me a leg?
Mom: We don't have any chicken legs!
Wendigo: I wasn't talking about a chicken leg, I was referring to those two (pointing)
Mom: you're pointing to my husband
Wendigo: I know
And from everything would go downhill from there! You see, wendigos eat human beings. That may not sound that shocking, as a lot of supernatural beings eat humans. What is special about a wendigo is that it started out as a regular human! Sounds impossible, right? how could something possibly go from this:
To this:
Freaky, right? Its a pretty disgusting process! I will explain through a little story I wrote all by myself: One day there was a guy named Joe. Joe went on camping trip with Bob and Steve and got lost on the way to the campsite. Then, after setting up camp in a random and unknown location in the woods, a bear ate all their food. Joe got really hungry and moody without his BLT, so he killed and ate Bob and Steve. He then discovered that he had become incredibly ugly and was obsessed with eating human flesh. He went on eating people around the world and lived happily ever after. THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And there you have it; Once a human resorts to cannibalism, there is no turning back. A cannibal will make the transformation mentally and physically ( according to lore ). You can also become possessed by a wendigo spirit, usually in a dream. This myth was common in Algonquin Native American folklore. the legend of the wendigo enforced the belief that the practice of cannibalism is taboo. It is also said that wendigos can bend space and time in order to find a victim. In other words, once a wendigo has decided you are his/her next meal, you're as good as dead!
Among some Algonquin tribes, a ceremonial dance was performed during famine to reinforce the wendigo taboo. We can't have little Tommy snacking on the kid next door!
YUCK! Even the mask is gross!
wendigo psychosis is a condition in which the sufferer develops an insatiable desire to consume human flesh, even when there are other food sources available. Often when an Algonquin developed this psychosis, they believed they were literally turning into a wendigo. Gosh, what an awful thing to have happen to you! Really, when you think about it, its not too hard to develop this psychosis. all it takes is a placebo, or even an extreme case of cabin fever. If you truly believe that you need to eat human flesh, that you are turning into this abominable monster, you might actually become delusional and start eating other people. then another placebo comes in, where you become convinced that you are addicted to human flesh. Its all in your head!
You may not have noticed this, but I have written this whole blog post in the color red to symbolize blood. Just thought I'd mention that, for those who didn't notice. Anyway, It's time for.....drum roll please...... THE BIG QUESTION! Is it real?
Well, its debatable as to whether cannibalism will physically turn you into a monster, but I can easily believe that some depraved crazy person would take to dining on other human beings! so while you probably won't bump into a giant monster in the woods, You very well might run into a mental wendigo!
Thanks for reading my blog! I hope you enjoyed it! Before I bid you all adieu, i have only one thing to ask of you: Please don't eat other people. It's very rude, and can completely ruin a perfectly nice dinner party.
Your blog-writing-not-people-eating-buddy